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Relationship and Health Education


The Relationships and Health Education (RHE) curriculum helps shape our children to become responsible, confident, healthy citizens with the skills to build positive relationships and to have a voice to respectfully share their views and be listened to. In Early Years (EY), RHE is taught and modelled daily through the Personal Development strand of the EY curriculum. We have developed a carefully mapped RHE curriculum for KS1 to build and revisit knowledge and skills so children leave us with a strong sense of identity and pride in and respect for the diverse community they reflect. RHE is taught every week in KS1 and there are additional sessions, circle times or group interventions where the need arises.

The relationships element of the curriculum focuses on family and friendships and aims to give children the skills to form positive and healthy relationships throughout their life. 

The health element focuses on good physical health and mental well-being and aims to give children the skills to make healthy choices so they are happy and healthy throughout their life.

Children at Silvertrees really enjoy RHE, they told us that: " it gives me strategies to be calm and happy"   "learning to be resilient has really helped me"  "it's helped me to be kind and helpful."

At Silvertrees we take a head, hand heart approach in all subjects to develop the children's  knowledge, skills and positive attitudes. These are the head, hand, heart aims we want all children to achieve in relationships and health education  by the end of Year 2...


To achieve the curriculum aims in relationship and health education (RHE), long term plans sequentially map learning using statutory RHE guidance and Sandwell's Healthy Mind, Happy Me scheme  ...


Silvertrees Relationship and Health Policy

Relationships and Health Education Curriculum Statement

RHSE Statutory Guidance
