Silvertrees Curriculum Statement
Our curriculum has been designed using a 'head, hand, heart' approach to meet the needs of all of our children and support their personal development and academic learning so they can ‘be the best they can be.’ We strive for our children to leave us with confidence, resilience and the social skills to be good citizens.
We aim for children, at the end of Reception, to meet Early Learning Goals so they are ready to progress to the National Curriculum. By the end of Year 2 we aim for children to progress and meet expected KS1 National Curriculum standards, so they are prepared for junior school and the next stage in their learning journey. To help achieve this we place oracy at the heart of our curriculum; it is the foundation of all learning. Breadth of vocabulary is extended and high-quality talk is a key feature of all lessons to ensure children have the skills to be effective communicators and learners. Our children require a heavy emphasis on basic skills in Reading, Writing and Maths to empower them and give them future cultural capital. This is balanced with a broader curriculum to build knowledge foundations in a wide range of subjects. Learning in all subject areas is carefully planned to ensure it is correctly pitched, sequential and explicitly linked and revisited to deepen understanding and make connections. Learning is structured so it is progressive and becomes part of long-term memory.
How can you find out more about our curriculum?
Your child's class teacher will be happy to talk to you about the curriculum your child follows.
If your child is in Year 1 or 2 you can find out about the National Curriculum here:
National curriculum - GOV.UK (
If your child is in Nursery or Reception you can find out about the Early Years Foundation Stage here: