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Phonics and Reading


Writing Curriculum Statement


At Silvertrees, our intent is for our children to become fluent, talented and enthusiastic writers. We teach the writing objectives of the EYFS Framework and the National Curriculum and feel it is important to give our children rich experiences to inspire writing for a purpose and a recognised audience. Using a variety of different stimuli, we aim to create opportunities for children to become talented writers who are able to use their imagination and shared experiences to compose coherent, interesting pieces of writing that they are proud of. We look for ways to motivate and inspire our children so that they see themselves as 'writers' and not just ‘doing’ writing. 



Throughout the Early Years and Key Stage 1 we teach writing through a book-based approach, which allows us to meet the needs of the children that we are teaching – through choosing a text that will engage, inspire and motivate, reflecting our children’s realities. As well as reading a wide variety of genres, children are given frequent opportunities to develop their skills in writing in different genres. Texts are chosen each half term based on the interests and needs of our children. They are covered in depth, giving children to opportunities to practise their writing skills through fiction and non-fiction text types.

We use a number of teaching approaches to develop children’s understanding of text types and spelling, punctuation and grammar. These include:

  • Oracy
  • Colourful semantics
  • What a Good One Looks Like (WAGOLL)
  • Use of working walls to develop independence
  • Adults reading aloud
  • Opportunities for incidental and extended writing
  • Proof reading and editing
  • Regular marking and feedback


We reward children’s writing achievements weekly with our Writer of the Week stickers and certificates.



In Reception, writing is taught discretely twice a week within adult-led time. Provision (both indoors and outdoors) is enhanced with a focus on writing, giving children opportunities to apply what they have learnt in taught sessions.

Key Stage 1

In Key Stage 1, we use the CLPE Power of Reading teaching sequences to support planning. We have timetabled daily English lessons based around a book. We explicitly teach the grammar requirements of the National Curriculum to ensure all appropriate terminology is introduced to the children and practised in order for the children to be able to apply them correctly in their independent writing.



In EYFS and Year 1, we teach spelling through the systematic teaching of synthetic phonics through our own programme based on Letters and Sounds. Children are taught how to write phonemes as graphemes as well as how to spell ‘tricky words’ and common exception words: common words that are not decodable. In Year 2, we teach spelling through Rising Stars Spelling programme. We ensure a thorough coverage of the EYFS Framework and National Curriculum requirements by planning for the teaching of spelling. We use a range of strategies across school to support pupils with their spelling.


We teach handwriting sessions daily using the Nelson Handwriting Scheme. As part of handwriting sessions, children have access to fine motor activities to enable them to develop finger, hand, arm and core strength which in turn improves handwriting.




 We measure this through:

  • termly tracking and pupil progress meetings
  • lesson observations and pupil voice
  • teacher assessment and target setting
  • marking and feedback
  • summative assessment at the end of each term
  • moderation through staff meetings, by the Senior Leadership Team, across the Tipton Learning Community and by the Local Authority
  • termly reporting of standards to governors
  • EYFS professional discussions – internal and external
  • Key Stage 1 End of Year assessments

Here's an overview of English teaching at Silvertrees

To find out more about writing at Silvertrees, click the documents below.
