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At Silvertrees our history curriculum strives to inspire our pupils’ to ‘be the best historian they can be’ by learning about past events and key historians in global history and how this has shaped the world we live in by comparing similarities and differences in life today.

History in our school enriches children with knowledge from the past and historical people and times in history in a chronological order. Children are equipped with the skills to question, investigate and compare a range of times and we use trips and visitors to help deepen children’s knowledge of life in the past.   


At Silvertrees we take a head, hand heart approach in all subjects to develop the children's  knowledge, skills and positive attitudes. These are the head, hand, heart aims we want all children to achieve in history by the end of Year 2...


To achieve the curriculum aims in history, long term plans sequentially map learning using the Rising Stars history scheme ...

History Subject Statement
